PNC’s calumny…


…and terrorism
Your Eyewitness is still floored by the PNC’s arrogance to officially “big up” their ex-MP Abdul Kadir, who’d been convicted as a TERRORIST by a US Federal Jury for plotting an act that would’ve made the World Trade Center terrorism look like tiddlywinks.
NY’s JFK International Airport is one of the busiest in the world, with an internationalised clientele as no other. If Kadir and his co-conspirers had succeeded in exploding the fuel tanks and fuel pipeline under the airport as they had planned, the explosion would’ve reverberated across the world. This meant they weren’t merely looking to take out their anger at the US, their “Great Satan”, but to create a “Big Bang” in more ways than one. And Kadir was no pawn in the plan, but was central to its execution.
According to the FBI, “Kadir, a trained engineer with connections to militant groups in Iran and Venezuela, provided the conspirators with links to individuals with terrorist experience, advice on explosive materials, and a bank account through which to finance the terrorist attack. The members of the plot attempted to enlist support from prominent international terrorist groups and leaders as well as from the Government of Iran, including Abu Bakr, leader of the Trinidadian militant group Jamaat Al Muslimeen, and Adnan El Shukrijumah, an al Qaeda leader.”
This was a key revelation. From a local perspective, the PNC’s honouring of Kadir in the National Assembly at a time when the PPP were boycotting the session was a tactical move. They didn’t want the PPP to expose the fact that Kadir wasn’t only willing to inflict damage to the US and the world, but to their own native Guyana. The FBI’s report revealed: “At trial, Kadir, a former member of the Guyanese parliament, admitted that he regularly passed information to Iranian authorities about sensitive topics, including the Guyanese military, and believed himself bound to follow fatwas from Iranian religious leaders.”
Why would Brigadier Granger and crew honour a traitor to our military? PNC leader Hoyte had draped the Guyana flag over arch criminal Blackie London, saying the Police had shot him while he was surrendering. Did London allow his victims to surrender? The PNC’s acts aren’t empty braggadocio, but signals to their extremists that their services (when needed) won’t go unrecognised. We see this in their constant refrain about “400 black youths” killed between 1998 and 2008, but not a word about the hundreds of terrorists on that list who’d murdered as many innocent men, women and children to make a “political point” to the then PPP Government.
But while cultivating their thug reputation for internal intimidation, the PNC are making Guyana into a rogue state.

…on destruction of integrity
Your Eyewitness looked at some clips of an on-line “Town Hall” discussion of “Integrity in Politics” by three card-carrying members of the chatterati class. It was so banal. Asked by a viewer to comment on their storm and fury over the 12 acres of land at Pradoville while maintaining a deafening silence over 400+ acres of state land being heisted only a mile away, none of the panellists – including the head of TIGI, who admitted he’d been alerted to the matter privately by the (well known) viewer – offered a comment!! The viewer, of course, was talking about the heist of the Ogle Airport lands!!
So much for integrity!! What none of the chatterati would ever admit, however, is that integrity in politics went to the dogs after the PNC started rigging elections. Hoyte, in the Elections Commission in 1967, corrupted so many officials for the 1968 rigging that it cascaded and subverted all institutions, as the illegal PNC Government bedded in after 1973, 1978, 1980, and 1985.
And now GECOM in 2019!

…and AFC’s copying
The AFC have selected as a “replacement MP” one Donna Mathoo. She’s tailor-made for the den of inequity that the National Assembly’s become with only APNU/AFC MPs showing up.
Systematic fraud in the Berbice NCN accounts prepared her for the big leagues!!

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